Group photo after the charity show 慈善演出後合照

Group photo after the charity show

On 21st September, 2016, the House Association of Stanley Ho East Asia College (SHEAC) organized a Charity Show cum Bazaar at the outdoor foyer on the Residential College Island One. With more than one month’s preparation work, including a series of selection trials and rehearsals, the event comprised various types of performances, such as piano, singing, martial art, dance and band show. Students also made cookies and different kinds of snacks to sell at the venue to raise money for needy families and children in remote areas of Sichuan and Yunnan – the destinations of the College’s annual service-learning trips.

Duet singing by KARRIEnIAN KARRIEnIAN 雙人對唱

Duet singing by KARRIEnIAN

On that evening, talented and enthusiastic students offered very entertaining and professional performances to the audience. Thomas Iong and Lillian Shih served as emcees of the charity show. Lily Hu and Miko Jin performed a piano duet on a Mandarin pop song “Those Years”. Joshua Aquino Aslarona sang “Think about You.” Leo Ng’s martial art of Chen-style Tai Chi sword combined both strength and gentleness, with fast and slow movements, demonstrating the beauty of harmony in the Chinese philosophy. Students Aiden Chan and Irene Che, Chang Cheng Yee and Kylian Fu, as well as Karrie Wong and Tang Chi Ian (KARRIEnIAN) respectively formed pairs to perform duet singing. The band Anonymous performed a number of pop songs, leading the atmosphere to new heights. Ahri Gao danced solo; while Robin Yu presented an amazing magic show.

Emcees Thomas Iong and Lillian Shih  義演主持翁國軒與施亮言同學

Emcees Thomas Iong and Lillian Shih

The audience were also attracted by the handicrafts and delicious snacks made by SHEAC students. A student helper said although he had to stand for over two hours at the bazaar booth, and felt quite tired, he was very glad that he made use of his own effort to help those in need. The event successfully raised more than MOP3,000 for service recipients in Sichuan and Yunnan.

By: Communication Working Group of SHEAC House Association
Li Zhidong, Wallace, Economics Year 1 (English)
Sun Tuo, Tony, Mathematics Year 1 (Chinese)
Band隊Anonymous Group performance by the band Anonymous

Group performance by the band Anonymous



Magician Robin Yu, a year one student of Law in Portuguese Language 魔術師--來自葡文法律一年級的余海騰

Magician Robin Yu, a year one student of Law in Portuguese Language

義演活動在七點鐘準時拉開序幕,經過多日的準備與排練後,義演團隊為大家獻上了豐富精彩的節目:有翁國軒與施亮言同學專業的雙語主持;有金美彤和胡鸝藻同學為觀眾帶來動人心弦的《那些年》鋼琴曲;有Joshua Aquino Aslarona同學演唱的《Think about you》;也有吳振邦同學剛柔相濟、快慢相間的陳式太極劍,表現了中國古典哲學的和諧之美;Band隊Anonymous更為我們帶來了《大風吹》、《陽關宅男》、《落地櫻花》等曲目,使場內的氣氛推上高峰;還有Aiden Chan和Irene Che同學、曾靜怡和付家瑞同學、黃匯通和鄧芷恩 (KARRIEnIAN)同學精彩的雙人對唱;余海騰同學的魔術表演;高雪羚同學的《貓步輕俏》舞蹈表演。

Chang Cheng Yee and Kylian Fu 曾靜怡和付家瑞同學

Chang Cheng Yee and Kylian Fu



數學系一年級學生 孫拓 (中文)
經濟系一年級學生 李植棟 (英文)